Refer to ; Proverbs 23:7 Exodus 14:11-15 Every man stamps his value on is made great or small by his own mind. ~~J.C.F VON SCHILLER. The greatest lesson one can ever learn in life is knowing that no one can imprison another person's mind without their consent. It is written in the book of Proverbs, chapter 23 verse 7. The bible confirms this from the scripture how big or small people make themselves. " As a man thinks in his mind, so he is." In other words, what one thinks he cannot, the same applies. Winning wars and taking over storms does not need you thousands of soldiers and armed personnels but as it is written, it only requires a look at the scripture and it's application. No matter the storm, no matter who is with you or who is not with you, it is written that what one conceives is what they become. It is in the knowledge of God that your storm requires you to be armed but you are not, He is well informed that your going forward need...