Wakili Bryan Khaemba Applauds Bold Move by President to Dismiss Cabinet Secretaries, Calls for Integrity in Future Appointments

In a powerful statement, while attending funeral service of a late KDF in Kibingei Ward of Kimilili Constituency, Kimilili Parliamentary aspirant Wakili Bryan Khaemba has voiced his support for President's recent decision to dismiss all Cabinet Secretaries, describing it as a bold and necessary action. Photo Courtesy: Wakili Bryan Khaemba, Facebook "I applaud the President for taking a bold and very necessary step to dismiss all the Cabinet Secretaries. It was necessary and a decision whose time had come considering the nature of the immediate former CS's of this republic of Kenya," Khaemba asserted. Khaemba further urged the Speaker of the National Assembly and Ford Kenya party leader, Hon. Moses Wetangula, to seize any opportunity provided by the President to propose new names for Cabinet Secretary positions from Bungoma and the Western Region. He emphasized the importance of selecting individuals who possess integrity and are committed to serving the interests o...