Youth at the Crossroads: A Generation's Fight for Leadership and Accountability

Photo Courtesy: Sebastian Karani, DMCP - Facebook As Kenya grapples with a political landscape marred by corruption and unfulfilled promises, a new wave of activism is brewing among the country’s young population. This generation, often referred to as Generation Z is stepping up, not just in protest, but in action. For many, the goal is clear: reshape the nation’s future through leadership, education, and empowerment. Following the protests that echoed across the nation, youths are now shifting their focus from the streets to strategy. Conversations are sprouting across different circles, from urban hubs to rural communities, where young people are determined to hold leaders accountable, starting with educating themselves and their peers on leadership and governance. The sentiment is unanimous: the success of any civic education efforts will ultimately be measured at the ballot box come 2027. Learning from 2022: The Cost of Missed Opportunities The 2022 general elections pa...