Hon. Michael Koloboy's Insight on the President's Decision to Fire Cabinet Secretaries

Photo courtesy: Hon. Michael Koloboy at a past event. It’s exactly a year & half since I gave my candid opinion when I was asked by a journalists on my arrival at JKIA & it has come to pass. The president has finally fired the entire cabinet. We expect more heads to roll & if need be dissolve parliament & call for a fresh election to redeem the country. In a significant move that has stirred the political landscape, the president yesterday decided to fire all Cabinet Secretaries, saving only the Prime Cabinet Secretary also the CS for Foreign & Diaspora affairs, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, a decision that resonates with an opinion expressed a year ago by Hon. Michael Koloboy. Reflecting on the assembly of the cabinet that has been in place, Hon. Koloboy had voiced strong concerns, branding it the most incompetent in the nation's history. His foresight and candid assessment now appear to have been vindicated by the president's actions. When the president initia...